Tuesday, August 21, 2007


By Hampton Blount
Many Democrats view the Republican Party's recent troubles and they feel positively giddy. They consider George Bush’s anemic approval rating (24 percent) and contemplate how America will be a different place after the Democrats regain the executive office. However, there are many factors that make this sense of excitement seem a little premature.
Lack of Goodwill and Good Candidates
While Democrats seem to be convinced that the anti-Republican sentiment necessarily means Democratic support, recent polls indicate a high level of distrust and low levels of confidence on the part of voters towards Democrats. In fact, the approval rating of the congress is roughly the same as the president’s dismal rating.
Hillary Clinton cannot help the Democratic Party. While she does appeal to “Hard Core” Democrats, she scores low on favorability and likeability with the all-important swing voters. Clinton polarizes individuals and seems to scare many moderate-centrist voters.
Barack Obama is just a few years away from the Illinois State Senate. His lack of experience would be laughable if it were not for the fact that he could potentially be nominated as the Leader of the Free World. Democrats are so desperate for an eloquent, charismatic leader that they’ve accepted as a candidate a man with inadequate credentials.
There is a Democratic candidate that has every trait necessary to win the White House.
The Democrats have a candidate with a wealth of experience both at the national and international levels. He is a candidate that has dealt with rouge leaders and regimes.
He has been dispatched to secure the release of hostages and on international fact-finding missions. Additionally, he has successfully managed the budget of a large state while striving for equal rights for all citizens regardless of race, sex, or orientation.
The best candidate, the only candidate for the Democratic Party is Bill Richardson.
Who is Bill Richardson?
Bill Richardson was born in 1947 in California. He attended Tufts University in Boston.
While only 35 years old he successfully ran for the US Congress. This began a fourteen-year congressional career that saw Richardson hold a number of important and influential posts. Richardson was on the Interior Committee and the House Select Committee on Intelligence. Additionally, Richardson was eventually picked as Chief Deputy Whip.
Bill Richardson is also an accomplished and skilled diplomat. As both a member of congress and then later as the United States Ambassador to the UN, Bill Richardson has worked with world leaders and governments to build consensus towards common objectives. Richardson has productively and successfully engaged rouge leaders, pulling them into compliance with the world.
While the whole world now seems to have accepted the idea of going green, Bill Richardson has been fighting on the frontlines of protecting our resources for years.
In 1998 Richardson became Secretary of the Energy Department. In this role he was known as a tireless advocate of renewable resources as he strove to break our dependence on foreign oil. He also was instrumental in pressing for cleaner burning gasoline.
In recent years Bill Richardson has been the very successful Governor of New Mexico.
During Richardson’s tenure, the New Mexico economy has improved so significantly that the turnaround is know as the “New Mexico Turnaround.” His common sense and fiscally responsible policies deserve much of the credit.
Bill Richardson is the only Democrat in the field with the combination of skills, abilities and experiences to make a successful run at the White House. Now if only the Democrats knew it.

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