Wednesday, January 6, 2010


By D. E. Lovett

The recently concluded Copenhagen conference on “climate change” was an absolute and dismal failure on doing anything of substance to address the issue. This is good news for the great majority of us.

While most of the participants paid lip service to the fiction of human activity being the primary cause of “global warming,” most of them, rightly, refused to sacrifice any of their own real economic self-interests in the name of speculative benefits. This is entirely in keeping with the spirit of Kyoto, which produced absolutely no benefits whatsoever, despite Al Gore’s ardent pleading for it (not to mention the scare-mongering.) The US Senate served notice, 12 years ago, by a unanimous vote, that it would not ratify a treaty which so seriously would have impacted the American economy, with no discernable benefits to America. This philosophy should still be operable today, but is in danger of losing root (Waxman-Markey) so that the leftists can placate their ideological base of radical environmentalists. Their view is that human activity is responsible for all the woes of the world, and only by seizing control of, and limiting, all human activity, can the planet be “saved.” These cultural elites are firmly convinced they know much better than ordinary folks what is good for us, and are determined to impose their ideology on the rest of us “unwashed.”

“Climate change” has been going on for billions of years, and the idea that humanity can alter its course is pure hubris. The best estimates the climate change extremists can produce show that returning the US’s energy consumption to the level of the 1700s will perhaps reduce “global warming” by a few tenths of a degree. All the resources now proposed for reducing global temperatures by that minute fraction would be much better spent in efforts to mitigate the effects of the warming, rather than futile attempts to prevent it. But the issue is not reducing global temperatures: it is imposing control by an ideological minority on the vast majority of us who want to maintain and improve our current standard of living.

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